Advantages and Disadvantages of Laissez Faire Leadership Style
The list of disadvantages of the laissez faire management style is however much longer than the advantages explained. The discipline factor can be lost in this type of leadership and can lead to decisions that are important for the existence of the company not being made in time. Leadership Styles In The Public Services By Priya Paul It may also help boost employee morale and consequently lead to high job satisfaction. . Another advantage to this approach is that it is good for inexperienced workers or staff members. Since there is only one person making all of the decisions for the organization the decision making process is quick and painless and planningorganizing needs no initiative. There are many advantages to the laissez-faire leadership style some of which include. Advantages of laissez faire leadership. The term comes from the French term laissez faire which means allow to pass or leave it be In practice laissez-f...